Our Microneedling Experience at Onassis Skin: Beverly Hills' Top Skincare Sanctuary

In the heart of Beverly Hills, we discovered Onassis Skin, a sanctuary for those seeking expert skincare treatments. The clinic, managed by Matthew Onassis, exudes an intimate and serene ambiance that immediately put us at ease. Unlike the busy, impersonal vibe of many larger clinics, Onassis Skin is all about personalized care and attention to detail.

Upon arrival, we were greeted warmly by Matthew himself, who took the time to understand our individual needs and concerns. Onassis, NP, is an aesthetic-trained Nurse Practitioner with a strong background in anti-aging and aesthetics. His academic credentials are impressive, with an undergraduate degree from the University of California, Los Angeles, and a Summa Cum Laude graduation from West Coast University, where he also obtained his master’s degree in nursing.

Matthew's approach to microneedling, using the advanced EVO pen, is characterized by a blend of expertise and gentleness. His philosophy is rooted in the belief that deeper penetration is not necessarily better—a concept he carefully explained to us. His explanation of the process put our minds at ease, especially since past treatments at other clinics had left us with severe redness and long recovery times.

This experience led us to find Matthew's method refreshingly different. He started by applying a custom numbing cream, which was far more effective than what we had used before. Throughout the procedure, he frequently checked in, asking us to rate our pain levels and explaining each step as he moved to more sensitive areas like the hairline, upper lip, and under-eye regions. His constant communication and gentle approach made all the difference.

Matthew’s commitment to learning and innovation is truly impressive. He’s always researching new methods and attending global trainings and conferences. This dedication ensures that Onassis Skin stays at the forefront of skincare technology and techniques.

What sets Onassis Skin apart is the genuine care and transparency Matthew offers. He’s dedicated to educating his clients and building lasting relationships. We never felt like just another appointment in a busy schedule. His focus on delivering a quality experience shone through every aspect of our treatment.

After the microneedling session, we were treated to a soothing cold mask to reduce redness and promote faster healing. The results were amazing—minimal redness and a much quicker recovery compared to our past experiences. We left feeling confident in our skin’s ability to heal, and within a week, we noticed a revitalized, more radiant complexion.

Microneedling involves tiny needles puncturing the skin to stimulate collagen production, so finding a skilled and knowledgeable practitioner is crucial. Matthew Onassis combines the art and science of skincare like no one else. Our experience at Onassis Skin was a testament to his dedication and expertise, making it the best choice for microneedling in Beverly Hills.